From Uncertainty to Clarity: How IOIC Discovered Actionable Insights to Drive Member Engagement and Growth

Jennifer Sproul

CEO - Institute of Internal Communications

Case Study: Institute of Internal Communication (IOIC)

Before: Lack of Clarity on Membership Growth Challenges

The Institute of Internal Communication (IOIC), led by CEO Jennifer Sproul, had experienced years of strong membership growth, but this momentum had recently stalled. Despite ongoing recruitment efforts, overall member numbers plateaued, leaving the organisation unclear about the root causes. Without clear insights into why their growth had slowed, IOIC struggled to identify an effective path forward to regain momentum.

Process: Uncovering Insights and Building Solutions

In collaboration with our strategic partner, Layercake, we utilised the Senis AI Platform to conduct a comprehensive analysis for IOIC. Layercake saw the opportunity of our AI analysis to derive deeper insight from the patterns of member engagement. Together, we diagnosed the issues and developed a tailored 12-month strategy to address them. The process involved several critical steps:

  1. Initial Analysis of Membership Data:
    Our initial investigation revealed that the challenge wasn’t a lack of new members joining but a high attrition rate. Less than half of the members stayed beyond their first year, significantly impacting overall growth.

  2. Detailed Engagement Analysis:
    We evaluated key engagement markers, including:

    • Logins, downloads, and email click rates.

    • Event attendance and CPD course participation.

    • Satisfaction scores.

    This analysis highlighted stark contrasts across member segments:

    • Student engagement had increased by 300% year-to-date but accounted for only 3% of the membership base.

    • Certified members, who made up 36% of the membership base, experienced a 71% decline in engagement over the same period.

  3. Feedback Analysis:
    We visualised and analysed feedback from IOIC’s Member Pulse Survey, uncovering actionable insights:

    • Many members felt a lack of meaningful opportunities for connection.

    • Over 50% were unaware of the full range of membership benefits.

    • Networking opportunities and member benefits accounted for 60% of all negative feedback.

    • Members often perceived low value for cost, with limited discounts and financial perks highlighted as a concern.

  4. Strategic Plan Development:
    Based on these insights, we built a targeted execution plan to address the key issues:

    • Improved Onboarding: A comprehensive process, including personalised webinars, first-year check-ins, and an AI buddy, was designed to help new members navigate the platform and access resources.

    • Enhanced Networking Opportunities: Initiatives were implemented to increase the quantity and quality of connection opportunities at events.

    • Continuous Feedback Mechanisms: Real-time feedback loops were introduced to monitor and iterate on initiatives.

    • Operational Alignment: A delivery management solution ensured IOIC’s staff remained aligned, focused, and motivated throughout the process.

  5. Behavioural Insights for Retention:
    Our analysis revealed that members paying via direct debit were 20% more likely to renew, providing a concrete area for targeted improvement.

After: A Clear Path Forward

IOIC achieved a comprehensive understanding of why their member growth stalled and a clear, prioritised, data-driven plan to address these challenges.

Key projections over the following 12 months included:

  • Improved Retention Rates: The projected first-year member renewal rate was expected to increase by 50%, driven by enhanced onboarding and targeted engagement strategies.

  • Stabilised Engagement Among Key Segments: Certified members’ engagement levels were projected to stabilise and recover as targeted interventions are implemented.

  • Boosted Event Participation: Enhanced networking opportunities were expected to result in a 35% increase in event participation.

  • Higher Satisfaction Among New Members: With personalised AI buddy support, webinars and check-ins, satisfaction scores among new members were projected to rise by 40%.

By implementing this strategic plan, IOIC was well-positioned to reverse the declining engagement and retention trends, ultimately reigniting member growth and fostering a stronger sense of community.


Senis AI provided IOIC with the clarity and insights to understand their challenges and developed a robust plan to address them. IOIC acquired the tools and strategies to strengthen member engagement, improve retention, and drive sustainable growth.

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