Testing ISPI’s Geographical Expansion by Analysing New Subscribers’ Locations

Peter Baverso

Board Member - ISPI

The International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is a 61-year-old professional association for instructional designers and performance improvement professionals. 

As the oldest chapter in ISPI, the Potomac Chapter has a rich history but faced modern challenges in member engagement and data-driven decision-making.


  • Limited Insights: The chapter relied heavily on anecdotal evidence and qualitative feedback from members, with limited quantitative data to measure the effectiveness of their strategies.

  • Messy Data: The chapter's data was spread across multiple platforms, making it difficult to analyse and derive meaningful insights.

  • Geographic Limitations: The chapter's reach was primarily limited to the Washington D.C. metro area, hindering their ability to diversify their membership.


  • Data-Driven Decisions: Senis AI helped the Potomac Chapter consolidate and analyse their membership data, providing clear insights into member demographics, engagement patterns, and geographic reach.

  • Expanded Geographic Reach: The data analysis revealed that the chapter's efforts to diversify geographically were successful, with members joining from across the United States and even internationally.

  • Strategic Investment:Armed with these insights, the chapter could confidently invest in strategies that aligned with member preferences and interests, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.


  • Data Consolidation: Senis AI consolidated data from multiple platforms into a centralized dashboard, making it easy for chapter leaders to visualise and explore.

  • Data Analysis: The platform's AI-powered tools analysed the data, uncovering hidden patterns and correlations that weren't apparent through manual analysis.

  • Insight Generation: Senis AI presented the findings in a clear and actionable format, providing specific recommendations for improving member engagement and diversifying the membership base.

  • Strategic Implementation: The chapter leveraged the insights to tailor their programming, marketing, and outreach efforts, resulting in increased member participation and satisfaction.


The ISPI Potomac Chapter's partnership with Senis AI is a shining example of how AI can be leveraged to transform association management. By harnessing the power of data and AI-powered insights, the chapter has been able to achieve significant improvements in member engagement, geographic reach, and overall performance.

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